> Art + Design Department > Graphic Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Architecture Department > Architecture [BS | M.Arch]
Alumni 2020

Nonlinear is an interactive senior thesis exhibition showcasing work from Lawrence Technological University's 2020/21 BFA Graphic Design, BFA Game Design, and BS Game Software Development programs.
Opening night, April 16 from 5:30–7:00, will consist of a live virtual experience with an embedded chat feature for interaction (no Zoom necessary, but a mouse is encouraged). The virtual space will remain open and accessible to the public for as long as this site remains open; please feel free to return as much as you would like.
The work displayed in Nonlinear was developed on a studio praxis of exploration and collaboration despite the limiting factors of a global pandemic. Through nearly a year's worth of critique, iteration, and testing, the work presented within the virtual exhibition space is a reflection of these non-linear methodologies.