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Mixed-Use Community

This project was designed with the goal of providing a mixed-use, residential and commercial, space for people in the community at a reduced cost to most current housing options. Through studying the urban context and water pollution/overflow in a transect of Detroit, MI, many design decisions/grounding principles emerged. The formal conditions such as setbacks, streetwall, and commercial studies allowed for the different formal moves in the project. Studying water in Detroit, mainly focussing on stormwater overflow, also led to the development of the central alley’s porous material for rainfall collection. The third floor of this design allowed for residences to have private patios, while also allowing for the public to have access to a space above street level to enjoy quality time outdoors while looking over the community. Overall, through many iterations, this project connected the busy street with the alley and reimagined the alley as a major thoroughfare.



Course> ​
Integrated Design Studio 4


Contact Email:
Instagram: jsmith14ltu

Jacob Smith

Jacob is going into his fourth year at Lawrence Technological University and will be a senior in the College of Art and Design in the Fall of 2020. He is a current student intern at Albert Kahn Associates in Detroit, MI and is eager to grow in the field.

Website built by LTU CoAD Exhibition Committee

Designed by Asst. Prof. Bilge Nur Saltik

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