> Art + Design Department > Graphic Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Architecture Department > Architecture [BS | M.Arch]
Alumni 2020
We see life move before our eyes at a remarkable speed.
We blink, we sleep, we dream, we remember, and we erase or forget. We see and think visually simultaneously. Those overlaps can be prioritized through the function of the brain. Time can be measured by experiences and inputs. Collections of memories can be shuffled, reordered with the present. “One step forward…two steps back”. We can also leap moments, days, months, decades, etc. in the real or
the fantasy world.
Art + Design
Graphic Design [BS]
Email: gerganahgocheva@gmail.com
Website: www.gerganagocheva.com
Instagram: @georgiagochev
Gergana Gocheva
Gergana specializes in brand building, design systems, and typography. Even though she is a recent graduate from the BFA program in Graphic Design, she already has extensive experience working in the world of advertising.
Gergana has a passion for inclusive, data-driven, human-centered design focusing on experience. This in addition to her insatiable appetite for city culture, inspired her to start her own travel-experience start-up as part of her Senior Thesis at LTU.