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Spider Tank

The 3D2 Animation Final focused on low-poly and high-poly modeling of a mech/tank. Every body part of the tank needed to be different, but match the overall aesthetic of the model. The class started with 50 rough sketches each to get a basic silhouette of our model. After picking the best sketch, more detailed drawings were done in order to create the final concept. Every two weeks required the following: low-poly models, high poly models, presentation of our progress, rendered in Unity, and uploaded into sketchfab for the class to critique.


Art + Design



Game Design [BFA]



Jacob Wolford

I enjoy 3D modeling and want to specialize in characters. I started as a Computer Science Major, but realized how much I enjoyed modeling and made the switch to Game Art. I have been modeling for a few years now and I’m looking forward to many more.


Instagram: @jahobs
Twitter: @wacob_jolford

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