> Art + Design Department > Graphic Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Architecture Department > Architecture [BS | M.Arch]
Alumni 2020
Soo Health and Sport Hall
The Soo Health and Sport Hall will be located in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, near the Soo Locks on St Mary’s River and the international border linking the United States and Canada. Sault Ste Marie, Ontario and Sault Ste Marie, Michigan are known collectively as the Soo. Both communities have much in common and now need a new community sports and recreation center that will fill the desire for a regional facility that supports human and ecological health and well-being. The distinct but related cities facing each other on opposite sides of the international border should be considered to be one community that will be served by the Soo Health and Sport Hall. The community is considering two sites, both on the waterfront of St Mary’s River. The western site is located on a substantially forested landscape that points west into Lake Superior; this is the Ashmun Bay Park site. The eastern site, the Water Park site, is located on an historic site adjacent to the Museum Ship Valley Camp and the 1902 Cloverland Hydroelectric Plant. The community is seeking to develop a facility that supports the goals and objectives consonant with responsible contemporary
architecture and planning, and the history and culture of the community. In this regard, the general goals of the community are health, resiliency, and order.
Architecture [BS]
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/lia-jacques-8548b61a9/
Instagram: liajdesigns
phone : 2486195419
Email: liajacq@gmail.com
Lia Jacques
Lia Jacques is a senior at Lawrence Tech University and plans to continue her academic studies in the summer of 2023 in the master's architecture program at LTU. In the future, she hopes to continue her career, focusing on urban and hospitality design. Currently, Lia works for Ron and Roman, a firm in Birmingham, Michigan, that specializes in high-end restaurants and hospitality design.